Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2010/APRIL /10
It is important to know the role played by the Arab Federation for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (AFPIPR) in regards to protecting Arab investments and standardizing concepts of intellectual property rights among Arab countries. The Federation plays an important role in both national and regional levels and also brings about integration between Arab member states to establish an Arab bloc to protect intellectually rights on one hand and safeguard the international rights in the Arab region on the other hand. This provides an economic and social climate to push forward the wheels of comprehensive economic development in Arab communities.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
AFPIPR was established in late 2005 and includes advisors and specialists from Egypt and other Arab countries. It has recently opened new branches in Jordan and Alexandria. Other branches will open in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria and Sudan. Some 14 committees have been formed in areas such as training, resources, development, conferences, information and public relations. In the field of agreements the Federation signed 10 protocols with relevant bodies and authorities. The protection of intellectual property is among the top priorities of businessmen, thinkers and decision makers in all Arab countries thanks to its positive impacts on economic activity overall. Arab countries will benefit by receiving up-to-the-moment world technologies in all fields and they will include protecting the inventions of Arab youth, giving Arab investors the right to defend their inventions on the national and international levels, increasing foreign investment rates and promoting consumer’s trust. The undisputed competitive advantage is the notion of Arab economic integration which aims at achieving economic unity.