Nahdet Misr Newspaper 2005/MAY /16

As commercial and industrial fraud becomes an increasing phenomenon, investors emphasize the necessity of raising industrial supervision over unlicensed factories. The national industry is directly affected by such fraud, thus stressing the necessity to promptly address this issue. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The spread of commercial and industrial fraud has caused experts to immediately address this increasing phenomenon. Investors emphasize the necessity of raising industrial supervision over unlicensed factories, whilst calling for the activation the NGOs role to protect consumer rights and the national product. In addition, they call for the implementation of a number of different laws as a means of addressing the issue Dr. Nader Riad, has his say in relation to the issue through stressing the necessity to confront the phenomenon, and intensify governmental supervision. In addition, he asserts that the exhibitor of counterfeited goods is directly to blame in the eyes of the law.

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