The paper discusses the following topics of women: supporting women’s political participation – support the efforts towards the eradication of illiteracy and the education of girls – to improve the level of health of Egyptian women – Towards the strengthening of women’s participation in the labor market and small enterprise sector. ( Available in Arabic )
Trends concentrate on the securities of these policies that empower women economically, socially and politically to carry out their role as the desired result in the expansion of choice before them, in order to achieve this , the trend has been the preparation of a number of papers dealing with different areas of empowerment. At the political level a paper was provided so as to support women’s political participation In the framework of the Egyptian social empowerment policies ,were literacy and education of girls and policies were addressed so as to improve the level of health of Egyptian women. The mechanisms to combat discrimination against women either at the level of economic empowerment were discussed as well, and policies to support women’s participation in the labor market and small enterprise sector in particular were discussed. Another issue was to allow these policies to address various challenges facing the efforts of literacy and the education of girls, such as weak institutional framework and weak information systems.