Al-Ahram Newspaper 2003/AUGUST /31

Due to successive industrial and technological developments in the world, Egyptian industries are required to continue development efforts and remove all obstacles that come in its way. Indeed, achieving these objectives require answering two important questions: Where does the Egyptian industry stand? And what future challenged does it face in the future? These questions are answered in the following article by Dr. Nader Riad and other members of the industry.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Due to successive industrial and technological developments in the world, Egyptian industries are required to continue development efforts and remove all obstacles that come in its way. Indeed, achieving these objectives require answering two important questions: Where does the Egyptian industry stand? And what future challenged does it face in the future? These questions are answered in the following article by Dr. Nader Riad and other members of the industry. His opinion about these two issues reflects a mix of scientific expertise and scientific industrial practice. With regard to the first question, Riad said that Egyptian industries have always faced challenges, however, the challenges it is facing now are greater than before. „It is a matter of ‚to be or not to be‘, as the quote from Shakespeare seems to have found an equivalent in industry, to develop or not to develop,“ he said. He indicated, on individual levels, some Egyptian companies have taken the initiative of gaining international fame without waiting for a foreign competitor to compete with them in local markets. „Other companies have already taken steps toward international recognition,“ he said. „The evaluation of any industrial institution is done in stages along with this industrial growth.

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