Aker saa Magazine 2012/MAY /09

Akher Saa magazine opened a wide investigation about fires that recently devoured a number of factories and great institutions . The experts and economic leaders stresses the importance of completing the requirements and specifications concerning put an end to the fires that harm our national economy. Dr. Nader Riad stresses the importance of applying the fire code that was implemented by most countries in the world. This fire code avoided these countries from incurring a lot of losses that cost the owners of projects millions of dollars and that the Egyptian economy is losing about two billion pounds annually due to fire.( Available in Arabic- German in PDF)
Dr. Nader Riad stressed the importance of rehabilitating the individual level to firefighters team train and industrial security and access them to the level of advanced training and the insurance companies should issue a record of factories that its production matches the approved standard specifications and the Union of insurance companies should classify and register experts and specialists in the field of insurance on establishments and factories and hotels of fire dangers in their respective fields to be a reference in all matters relating to the aspects on insurance of fire hazards and commensurate with the quality of risk in application of the codes that govern them. Dr . Nader Riad stressed the importance of linking the code with the license of construction and insurance companies must grant incentives to factories which applied the code system as well as providing special equipment and hand fire extinguishers and providing factories with appropriate extinguishing systems in accordance with the existing thermal loads at each site of the plant

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