Al-Ahram Newspaper 1996/JANUARY /21
In a world witnessing a quick shift toward globalization and trade liberalization, Dr. Nader Riad outlines what the Egyptian industry mostly needs to stand on an equal footing with its international competitors. He highlights, among other things, the importance of stepping up the country’s technological level and providing financial facilitation to the Egyptian industries which aim to export their products to foreign markets.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
In a world witnessing a quick shift toward globalization and trade liberalization, Egypt must get ready to compete with foreign products and to invade other markets. Dr. Nader Riad addresses this issue in a study where he outlines the main elements on which the Egyptian industrial renaissance should rely. He thinks more facilitation (such as more tax cuts and lower customs duties) should be provided to the Egyptian industries and to any possible entity linked to them in the target markets. In addition, technology transfer and Egyptians‘ creativity should be boosted, and small industries should play a more significant role in contributing to Egypt’s industrial renaissance. Dr. Riad also believes that Egypt should adopt its own standard specifications and have them endorsed by important foreign actors, such as the EU and the US.