Professor Dr. / Salah Sedki provided a working paper on „The impact of legislation in protecting the rights of holders of insurance policies.“ According to the study, the insurance sector is one of the economic sectors directly affected by the Convention of the GATT negotiations, and communications ;and direct and indirectly , between the leaders of the insurance sector and the representatives of trade and services and some other international organizations since the early nineties. In preparation for the application of the GATT and the negotiations of these communications and their impact t before the implementation of Convention in a bid to bring the insurance sector in contact, including the benefit of the national economy in general and in favor of the insurance market and campaign documents, in particular. ( Available in Arabic )

The research on the amendments introduced by Law No. 91 of 1995 that directly or indirectly protect the rights within the documents, through the following axes: the strengthening and consolidation of the functional allocations – allocation of funds in Egypt, and allocation ratios and investment – to determine the margins of financial ease of life insurance and property insurance – a set of controls that protect the rights of holders of Excellence campaign funds to the documents – the establishment of a fund to ensure policyholders and beneficiaries of the availability of the necessary expertise for the management of insurance companies – the report of the comptroller and actuary – the strengthening of criminal penalties for offenses committed by insurance companies – to support the supervision and control to ensure the provision of resources and capabilities needed to achieve effective control.

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