Sunday, August 12, 2001
Al-Gomhoria Newspaper 2001/SEPTEMBER/19
Egyptian businessmen called for linking the Egyptian pound to different foreign currencies and not only to the US dollar, also in light of the recent events over there. In a meeting, these businessmen laid down some strategies and policies to boost the performance of the Egyptian economy, both from inside the country and through international cooperation.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The General Section of Investors at the General Union of Chambers of Commerce called for linking the Egyptian pound to different currencies and not only the US dollar. Its members underlined the strength and stability of the Euro, and added that Egypt should try to boost its trade relations not only with the US, also in light of the recent events over there. They held a meeting in which they set out a few policies to boost the performance of the Egyptian economy and attract more foreign investments. Dr. Nader Riad, for his part, stressed the importance of technology transfer as the key to any economic progress.