Dr. Nader Riad prepared an analytical study discussing the importance for Egypt to enter the member states which currently use clean and renewable energy sources throughout their countries. Due to Egypt’s geographical location, it has the ability to produce large amounts of solar and hydro-electric energy, yet the percentages are extremely low. Dr. Riad discusses ways that Egypt can increase production, along with comparing it with states around the world that currently have a large standings within the industry.(Available in Arabic –German in PDF )
Dr. Nader Riad, prepared an analytical study discussing how important it is for Egypt to enter the member states who currently use clean and renewable energy sources to produce the energy needed for it citizens. Fossil fuels are endangering our environment, and many countries have begun to explore and develop cleaner ways to produce energy. Egypt has the ability to produce large amounts of solar and hydro-electric energy, yet the industry has yet to develop. Dr. Riad raises many questions, and explains how Egypt can effectively and efficiently change the way its citizens use energy. The US, Japan, and many countries in Europe, in particular, Germany, have benefited from these changes. Funds must be allocated and laws must be changed and passed in order for Egypt to one day be apart of these member states. In this article, you will find great solutions to the current problem of fighting thermal emissions and global warming.