ِAl-Masry Al-Youm Newspaper 2012/NOVEMBER /12

Along with the trickling of events on variant standards and the approach of an Arab economic summit in January 2013 in AlRiyad, Dr. Nader Riad assured in his article the necessity to get priorities in order according to its importance and readiness to be taken over simply to motivate and enhance common Arab cooperation pointing to the importance to come with a work program around which all parties are assembled in a positive work system. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The article demanded to work on a number of important axis to motivate common Arab work including: quickness in applying necessary resolutions to activate common Arab market and launch its mechanisms since Arab market establishment becomes a national urgent demand which had been spoken about for a long period which extended for more than 30 years – integration of authorities in different Arab regions to achieve what’s called harmonization – avoidance of Double taxation between multinational Arab projects – activation of the system of intellectual property protection to protect Arab inventions against theft, what forms an attractive factor of investments in the region-Purification and improving of legal legislations applied in the Arab regions to encourage inventions, economic growth and investment in all Arab regions under a proper and attractive protection for technology transfer and its application – Enhancing the facility of businessmen transfer among Arab countries by providing them with annual visas, this is by means of a passport and a visa issued from Arab league after receipt of security offer from each country at a time.

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