Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2004/MARCH /13
This article discusses the problems the small industries sector in Egypt have suffered over the years. Dr. Nader Riad, along with many other political insiders, discuss the effects of not having strict laws, and ways that the current laws can be enforced. There is currently a bill being written to change the laws and regulations within Egypt, and these mean debate the pros and cons of this particular bill.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
This article discusses the problems the small industries sector in Egypt have suffered over the years. Dr. Nader Riad, along with many other political insiders, discuss the effects of not having strict laws, and ways that the current laws can be enforced. Hamad Al-Tohamy Hasanien, Head of the Productive Cooperative Federation, said that the federation supports the governments‘ efforts to issue this law to create an atmosphere conducive for setting up and developing handicraft and small enterprises. Aly Gamal Eddin, Head of the Small Industries Association in Sixth of October City, indicated that small businesses are facing difficulties in taking out loans from banks due to the high rates of interests, making most incapable of repaying the loan. There is currently a bill being written to change the laws and regulations within Egypt, and these mean debate the pros and cons of this particular bill. It is clear that there is still a lot to be discussed, however, many fill the Egypt is heading in the right direction.