Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2010/APRIL /19

Different industrialists and businessmen stress the importance of industrial security and highlight how Egypt is still lagging behind developed countries, in this regard. Accidents in the workplace are due to several causes. The situation could be very much improved, though, by simply qualifying workers and raising their awareness about industrial security. Industrial inspectors can also play a key role to turn factories into a safe workplace. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Industrial security and safety are still lacking in Egyptian factories. Work accidents are a very heavy burden on the industry, not only in terms of human casualties; they also disrupt production. Work accidents may be due to explosions, pollution and fires. Their main cause is lack of knowledge and awareness in the workplace. If properly trained and taught, the workers are the first line of defense against fires and other kinds of accidents. Unfortunately, there is no industrial security culture in Egypt, contrary to the factories in the developed countries. Yet, such a culture and awareness would definitely help attract foreign investors, too, as they are ready to bring their money to Egypt only if local factories meet safety and security conditions. Specific certificates are awarded to those factories that can meet such conditions. In this regard, inspectors play a fundamental role. They must receive proper training and inform the authorities of any shortcoming they find in the establishments they inspect.

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