Mrs. Karima Bassiouni Salem submitted a working paper titled „Role of General Authority for the Control of Exports and Imports in Protection of Consumer“. The paper reviews the authority’s role as one of the executive bodies responsible for protecting the consumer. In the context of maintaining high quality of imported goods, the authority provides specialized committees for examining imported consignments and the paperwork of the country of origin. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The working paper described attempts of developed countries to protect the consumer such as: After the Chernobyl incident, major companies in Western Europe began announcing the radiation rate (by beckarpl unit) on their products with warnings to consumers of the permitted rates, thus producers are required to be close to the consumer in order to answer his/her questions and inquiries without delay, under obligation of law to provide more information and in the USA, many companies began to display the number of calories on their food products. In the countries interested in consumer protection, companies follow internal policies to achieve this purpose, because producers are responsible for protection of the consumer. Some methods to achieve protection of consumers are: Quality assurance, ensuring satisfaction of the consumer, displaying the postal address of the producer, providing public relations, maintaining a close relationship with the consumer and pricing by unit.