Dr. / Mostafa Mahmoud Abu Bakr, presented a study on „realizations and consumer trends as to the consumer protection movement,“ the study aimed to identify trends and realizations on one of the most important perceptions of the parties to this movement, being the consumer ; with a view to reach the determination of the role of consumers in the provision of protection and care for themselves. ( Available in Arabic )

In light of the analysis of the on field data and receiving the study results can be summarized as follows: a negative realization about consumers about the concept of consumer protection and the feasibility of attention – and there are clear differences in realizations and consumer trends on the dimensions and areas of protection and care of the consumer and the methods of achieving them. Study recommended some important proposals, including: the development and implementation of an integrated media plan to change the realizations on consumers as to concept and the need to protect the consumer – take into account the differences in the information about the characteristics of the category to whom the media message is addressed in terms of (scientific level – position – age – the social situation – kind) – identification of relevant relationship to the protection and care for the consumer and the organization of its efforts to place without overlaps or conflicts in the performance of their roles – to stimulate companies and organizations for the establishment of organizational units responsible for customer service and encourage them to submit their proposals, complaints and a good deal of these proposals and complaints – to stimulate consumers to know their rights and duties in the protection and care for themselves – to pay consumers to take action to ensure their protection and care – focus on the element of risk and the damage at the stand of the consumer’s negative practices appropriate to the requirements of consumer protection and care.

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