Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2002/SEPTEMBER/27

The industrial climate in Egypt still has a low performance level due to a number of inefficiencies. Many officials are suggesting different solutions to some of the problems in the Egyptian industrial sector such as allocating more funds to the sector, hiring better trained and educated employees, modernizing industrial equipment, eradicating smuggling and amending legislation in order to better protect consumers and businesses. By implementing these strategies, the Egyptian industrial sector and, in turn, economy as a whole will benefit and see a rise in production of quality products.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Egypt has suffered a large amount of losses in its industrial sector due to corruption and lack of efficiency. Authorities are working towards implementing new laws that will fight smuggling and the production of low quality products. Also, it has been requested that more funds be allocated to Egypt’s industrial sector in order to finance the modernization of machines and equipment, better educate workers and bring Egyptian products up to standards that will meet those in the world marketplace. Officials plan to reform the standards and regulations that goods must meet. As of right now, almost 40% of a product made in Egypt is created from foreign materials, but the government is pushing to stop the use of those foreign commodities so that Egyptian products will be made from Egyptian materials. There is also talk of enforcing laws that will provide more protection to consumers and businesses against fraud and monopoly.

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