Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2007/JANUARY /02
In his article, Dr. Nader Riad, head of the E.E.B.O.F. said that the active improvement in most of Egyptian economic sectors is an attractive power to foreign investments. This fact has rendered the Egyptian – European relations to be in their best conditions and, as a result, the E.U. has assigned loans and grants which are efficiently used to meet the required conditions of the E.U. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
In his article in Al Akhbar newspaper, engineer Nader Riad, head of E.E.B.O.F. said that the local and international indicators of the Egyptian economy, show an active rise and improvement in nearly all economic sectors: Surplus in economic activity, rise in monetary and stability in exchange rate, and a drop in inflation rate, booming in stock exchange, rise in foreign investments, surplus in electric power, a promising Egyptian market, good infra structure and qualified industrial cities besides modernization of industry with a stable political conditions which are great sources of attraction to foreign investors.