On performance rates development and shift processes, Dr. Nader Riad presented an analytical study on mechanisms to face waste as a turning point in the Egyptian economy. Dr. Magdi el Ezabi tackled the issue of administration and its impact on economic development.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Dr. Nader Riad’s paper titled „Facing Waste as a Turning Point in Egyptian Economy“ tackled the various forms of waste. This includes the waste of human resources (unemployment – disguised unemployment – high illiteracy rate – talent waste) – waste due to overcrowded ports – waste due to our current irrigation system –drinking water waste –wasted loans – waste due to lack of recycling – waste due to lack of machinery and equipment maintenance – waste due to usage of old machinery and equipment. It also includes our failure to use the available energy in transporting cargo by railroad – waste of raw materials – energy waste – massive waste of agricultural commodities – waste of our scientific cadres – waste in dwelling units – waste due to no preservation of the environment – the waste that results from bad traffic and the bad technical condition of most means of transportation. Other forms of waste include the huge waste of human rights and its attendant economic waste. Dr. Magdi el Ezabi’s paper titled „Administration and its Impact on Economic Development“ said the Egyptian administration is in dire need of adopting an organizational development strategy in order to join the train of progress and recover many years of backwardness. There are incomparable challenges, which get tougher with the rapid pacing of scientific knowledge and administrative and industrial technology around the world. There is no other choice but organizational development with a complete reliance on the scientific administration scheme in order to change, develop and create the proper framework.