Al-Akhbar Newspaper 1999/NOVEMBER /20
The new trade law has its own supporters and criticizers. Some businessmen call for implementing it, as they believe it is biased towards Egyptian importers and against their foreign providers. Others, though, believe this law simply protects the weaker sided (Egyptian importers) from the stronger one, and indeed praise this new piece of legislation. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
A new trade law has recently been passed in Egypt, yet some businessmen think it should be amended, especially when it comes to the relation between Egyptian importers and their foreign providers. Mr. Samer Hamza, for example, believes this law and its restrictions on foreign providers would discourage them from investing in Egypt. He also thinks this piece of legislation undermines the importers‘ right to preserve their own interests and products. He believes this new piece of legislation is in conflict with the international agreements signed by Egypt, and he also reminds the readers that globalization requires getting rid of these kind of biases. Others, though, believe Egyptian importers should be protected from foreign exporters, as the former are definitely the weaker side.