The document discusses the issue of health and population through the following tracks: towards an effective population policy – the effective primary health care system – pharmaceutical policy and support of the trend towards investment in the pharmaceutical industry – to activate new systems of health insurance in Egypt. ( Available in Arabic )
Includes policies adopted by the party to meet the population increase . Four basic strategies are the first to reduce the demand for having babies through several mechanisms, such as: the use of religious discourse and the application of the policy of targeting which takes into account the achievement of the objectives of population and health at the same time, on the other hand, there is a need to increase the demand for family planning services through several mechanisms, such as: the provision of reproductive health services for pre-marriage and reproductive health information for young people and the diversification of the means at hand for family planning and providing of the target groups in different geographical groupings, with regard to primary health care, the party believes that the right of access to health care must rely on the needs of the community rather than on their ability to pay the costs of such care and Egypt has made considerable progress in health indicators during the past twenty years .