Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2015/OCTOBER /25
Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2015/OCTOBER /11

In two articles, Al Akhbar Newspaper had the perspective of Dr. Nader Riad on establishing nuclear reactors in Egypt for generating energy, the risks he mentioned denotes the saying “please, don’t give me this medication, it’s a killing one”. His perspective discussed the past experiences of industrial countries which have long and deep expertise in the file of the nuclear solution for electric energy, he mentioned seven important strategic axes govern the justifications of whether to use the nuclear solution for the electric energy or not. (Available in Arabic –German in PDF)
The perspective discussed seven important strategic axes govern the justifications of whether to use the nuclear solution for the electric energy or not; which are: 1. Is it a clean technology? Is its security level is beyond any potential negative expectations? The answer to both questions is: NO. 2. The time duration and cost for establishing a nuclear station.. yes the cost is the lowest for generating one electric unit compared to traditional stations. 3. The extent of availability of materials necessary to running in case of nuclear stations..Uranium in its fertile form isn’t produced in Egypt and it should be imported continually. 4. The method of nuclear reactors cooling in consideration that any instability leads to the lack of cooling will result in the explosion of the reactor 5. How great countries will deal with nuclear wastes..it’s known that nuclear reactors produce dangerous nuclear wastes 6. Is there any potential threat targets such nuclear stations in their location in Al Dabaa. Yes, surely because it is a region which approaches western borders 7. The extent of the abundance of expertise necessary for running and management of such stations for now and the future.

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