The ruling National Democratic Party (NDP)’s paper on „Services and Social Justice“ stressed that the party’s policies and programs are based on mechanisms ensuring the availability of good services for Egyptian society. This includes programs in the areas of social services such as education, health, culture, sports, and public services such as transport. In this context, the NDP and its government are committed to specific programs to address poverty, support families and enable them to benefit from the proceeds of development.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )

The party’s first paper discussed the following issues: First, Social Justice and Support for Poor Families: social trend of the party’s policies and programs – the pillars of social trend during the next stage – the government obligations and the most important operational procedures. Second, Housing, Utilities and Urban Development: planning and urban development – housing and construction – drinking water and sanitation services. Third, Education and Human Development: teachers … the basis of development – technical education and vocational training – non-traditional education. Fourth, Healthcare and Population: healthcare – population. – Fifth, Youth and Sport: sport policies – youth policies. Sixth: Transport Services: railway facility – Egypt’s road network… present and future – mass land transport and means of development and organization – development of the legislative framework for transport services – Egypt’s maritime ports and their development administratively and operationally – Egyptian air transport and the development of management and finance systems.

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