The ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) and its government seek to develop an integrated vision for national security issues. This year’s policies focused on the issue of energy and its impact on development. The NDP discussed a set of policies aimed at developing and rationalizing the use of energy reserves, and for maximizing the use of renewable energy sources in Egypt. The ruling party also presented a specific approach on dealing with nuclear energy as a strategic alternative for meeting Egypt’s needs of energy. This could be achieved through launching the operational procedures and steps of Egypt’s peaceful nuclear program in order to diversify and secure the future of energy.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The NDP paid special attention to the paper on „National Security“ in light of the world’s changing situations and discussed the following issues: Firstly, Egyptian national security in a changing world: the need to restore stability in the Middle East that suffers from continuing deterioration – Concepts and determinants of Egyptian national security – trends of the Egyptian movement – The National Security Strategy for protecting Egypt’s national project. Secondly, energy and development: sources of traditional energy – renewable energy sources – nuclear energy – map of Egypt’s future energy till 2022.