This paper reflects the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP)’s view on citizenship and democracy. It supports the constitutional bases of the Egyptian political regime, the multi-party system, the role of political parties, the rule of law, true justice, public freedoms, the role of civil society, women’s empowerment, decentralization and democracy. The paper focuses on two sets of policies: the first is related to the update of the legislative and political structure, while the second is related to the local administration development policies.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )

This vision represents the basic reference of the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP)’s policies for supporting democracy and citizenship. It discusses the following items: First, Vision and Objectives: supporting the constitutional bases of the Egyptian political regime, the multi-party system, the role of political parties, the rule of law, true justice, public freedoms, the role of civil society, women’s empowerment, decentralization and democracy. Second, Policies on Developing the Legislative and Political Structure: completing legislation complementary to the Constitution – legislation to achieve true justice – the development of the law governing trade union organizations – a draft law on disclosure and circulation of information – anti-terrorism draft law. Third, Policies to Develop Local Administration: the current situation of local administration in Egypt – centralization (achievements and challenges) – Decentralization and orientation towards the future – the party’s vision to promote decentralization.

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