Al-Ahram Newspaper 2001/MARCH /27
Private Sector businesses should be involved with the design and implementation of mechanisms required for developing exports. There are a large number of vital programs funded by the European Union and the private sector is expected to join and work along side the government to create these projects.(Available in Arabic – German PDF)
The importance of working on developing service exports is needed as Egypt is highly competitive in this area. This could lead to establishing numerous channels that could absorb a large number of industrial exports. Private sector businesses should be involved with the design and implementation of mechanisms required for developing exports. This is targeted at establishing a duty-free zone that is balanced, thus attracting European investments. There are a large number of vital programs funded by the European Union and the private sector is expected to join and work along side the government in creating these projects. Many problems facing the partnership agreement have been addressed and cleared out of the way. The European Union considers Egypt to be a real partner, not just a political and economic weight in the Mediterranean.