Bavaria Egypt Co. held a cultural seminar, in which Shura Member & AUC Professor of Business Administration & Marketing Dr. Sabri al-Shabrawi spoke of management philosophy and how to render an industrial establishment successful. ( Available in Arabic )

According to Dr. Sabri al-Shabrawi, the problem of advancement and backwardness of an institution lies in the choice of leadership. Management depends on choosing an educated leader, who possesses the vision and culture of “dissatisfaction”. The concept of industry in Egypt seeks to produce, regardless of the consumer. This is a mistake, because a product that has no market cannot turn into an industry. Successful industrial institutions, worldwide, are all built on the concept of strategic management, institutional development and response to consumer demands. Criteria for measuring the culture of an institution are its personnel and products, not its equipment and machinery. Management is built on the science of marketing, finance and sociology, as well as a plan that aims at achieving a product that pleases the people at the lowest cost.

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