Al-Ahrar Newspaper 2007/NOVEMBER /08

The article talks about fraudulent products that are produced by unaccredited workshops. It calls them “basement’ products. It says the authorities spare no effort in tracking down those producers so as to protect consumer safety, especially when it comes to sensitive products like fire extinguishers and foodstuff. Yet the “basement” industry still produces products worth tens on millions despite the efforts of the Supply Investigation Authority. However, we still have laws that protect the consumers, regulate competition and prohibit monopolies. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The article talks about fraudulent products that are produced by unaccredited workshops that work in the dark. It calls them “basement’ products. It says the authorities spare no effort in tracking down those producers so as to protect consumer safety, especially when it comes to sensitive products like fire extinguishers and foodstuff. It says the “basement” industry is booming despite the efforts of the Supply Investigation Authority, as statistics show that such industry produces products worth tens of millions. Yet it says we still have laws that protect the consumers, regulate competition and prohibit monopolies.

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