Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2003/JULY /28

Achieving all kinds of safety on roads is one of the most important factors that have a positive effect on the progress of the national economy, investment and tourist attraction. Promotion of investment and economy of any country needs special roads that guarantee safe transport of goods and passengers. ( Available in Arabic )
Trucks should be given specific licenses, according to the nature of the material they carry and degree of its danger, said a study by advisor to People’s Assembly Industry and Energy Committee Dr. Nader Riad, who is also Chairman of the Industry and Energy Committee with the Cairo-based Arab-German Chamber of Commerce. These licenses will help keep safety and quality of the transported materials and will prevent dangers, accidents and environmental pollution. In a study, Riad points out that ordinary trucks are not suitable for transporting huge containers, which are difficult to fix technically. This may result in the lack of safety and may expose the driver and those who are with him to danger, as the container may move when the truck brakes or collides.

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