Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2009/MARCH /07
The investors call for paying taxes in installments. This is simply and idea which can either be accepted or rejected. Of course, if accepted, conditions will be put in place to ensure equality for all persons involved. A variety of opinions are discussed throughout this article. All in all it is up to the Minister of Finance to make the final decision. ( Available in Arabic-German in PDF )
Should investors be granted their proposal? Would paying taxes in installments prove to be a solution or would it hinder the effectiveness of our system? It is important to understand that investors do not wish to ‘postpone’ taxes but rather pay in ‘installments’ across a yearlong contract. Many differing opinions have been laid out on the table; each with their own justifications. There is concern towards the businessmen as well as concern for the potential dismissal of labors. In saying that, the proposal gives rise to a solution in regards to the financial crisis. Conditions must be put in place to ensure equality for all.

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