Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2002/JUNE /15
At the present time the IMP is facing severe criticism by various investors and industrialists; accusing the program for not achieving its purpose. Experts assert the necessity to remove all obstacles that hinder investment opportunities, whilst requesting the need for enhanced standard specifications. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Whilst the Industry Modernization Program faces severe criticism, experts discuss various necessities that must be addressed in relation to the Egyptian Industry. First and foremost they call for the removal of all obstacles that hinder investment opportunities. In addition, they call for the establishment of a new model based on the information technology industry, whilst Dr. Nader Riad asserts the application of standard specifications, especially to those products that currently neglect any form of standardization. Furthermore, experts prioritize the public sector over the private sector in relation to Egyptian industry modernization, whilst they assert the need for careful consideration into the environmental dimensions and awareness in industrial production. The Helwan University’s Technological Development Research Center is called to join the IMP in recognition of its current expertise, work and studies. The CEO of the IMP has his say in relation to sales statistics and the IMP’s expected activities, in addition to pointing out that the IMP will finance factories by 75%. Furthermore, he criticizes the measures adopted by various institutions.