Al-Gomhoria Newspaper 2002/DECEMBER /12
The Head of Industrial Modernization Centre announces that April will witness the launch of the annual modernization programs. In addition, experts have their say regarding the Industrial Modernization Program that was launched two years ago. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Accusations towards the inability for the Industrial Modernization Program to achieve any success in the past two years have been expressed, whilst the Head of Industrial Modernization Centre announces that April will witness the launch of the annual modernization programs. In line with the Industrial Modernization Program, Dr. al Talati did not comment on the accusations, but rather implied that the future visualization and lessons derived from the past two year period are the aspects that count. Despite the accusations, the program has gained the Ministry of Industry and the EU’s support. Experts debate on the topic regarding the distribution of assistance funds; some express the need to direct the majority of the funds into study and planning, whilst some assert the necessity for the funds to directly assist the industries. Dr. Seoudi has his say by expressing the need for concerted efforts to achieve the programs potential, whilst Dr. Riad insists that the program has covered a number of important aspects; however it lacks in several additional aspects. Furthermore, Eng. Aziz associates the program to „pain killers“; stating its inability to cure the ailments of the Egyptian Industry.