Edaret Al-Aser Magazine 2002/MARCH /01

Quality and development are indispensable in today’s world of industry. To keep abreast of world development and to compete with other competitive counterparts, which are developed almost on a daily basis, we should make quality and non-stop development a national case. It is not a mere concept, but rather a system and knowledge. ( Available in Arabic )
Is industrial development a necessity or a goal? Actually when development becomes a goal, this leads to the success for the institution; and when development becomes a necessity, this makes the institution escape from failure. Development is a non-stop process, adopted by strong companies to increase their strength. But weak companies obstinate from it and so they get weaker. This confirms the fact that in industry: rich companies get richer and poor ones get poorer. But the question now is: Is engineering education able to graduate industrially qualified graduates? Is it natural that the industrial qualification of the unqualified graduates a burden on the institution? Actually, when we were engineering students at Cairo and Ain Shams universities, we were proud that our graduation certificates were accredited in Germany. However, this accreditation was cancelled 30 years ago, and nobody has done anything.

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