Small industries are the base of the industrial hierarchy at any time and everywhere. As the base of small industries expands, the industrial hierarchy’s top becomes higher without causing imbalance until it becomes qualified for building competitiveness, having exportation capacity and then increasing the value added to the Egyptian industrial components. These small industries follow the work and performance system adopted by larger industries with regard to application of quality norms and administration systems. ( Available in Arabic )
Therefore, as applied in several countries that achieved success in that field, we see the following: 1- Setting up a fund for small industries to be directly affiliated to the prime minister. The fund shall be independent from the Social Development Fund, which is assigned to social and service activities. The new fund shall be the coordinating and planning body for developing and promoting small industries. Its resources shall include donations, grants and aid. 2- Setting up an executive body within the fund for small industries. The new body shall assume all executive power necessary for caring for small industries. It shall also deal with the Egyptian Industries Federation in technical, organizational and development sides to avoid scattering the responsibility for the aspired performance and its results. The new body may establish a higher committee including suitable specialties for well-management of small industries as per a national plan.