Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2002/JUNE /17
The world is witnessing impressive economic changes, and Egypt’s economy and, more specifically, industry needs changes, too, to keep up with this ever-evolving reality. This is not possible, though, unless human resources (namely, workers) are developed and re-qualified through a good education and training system. Yet, this is not enough, as further change than the one which has already taken place is required in terms of management and technology, too.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The world is witnessing impressive economic changes, and Egypt’s economy and, more specifically, industry needs further changes, too, to keep up with this ever-evolving reality. Human resources are the basic element to achieve this goal. Workers have to learn how to work in group and have to be well-educated and trained to use modern technology, which is fundamental nowadays. It is also important to cope with and mitigate the burdens and pressures they have to bear, as they affect negatively their performance. Management must evolve, too, as no workforce could ever gain the abovementioned skills with sluggish managers who do not keep abreast with the latest developments. Also in this regard, another major aspect of today’s transformations is centralization losing ground to decentralization, as pointed out by renowned Egyptian businessman Nader Riad.