Al-Ahram Newspaper 2004/AUGUST /30

A German program unveiled that Pharaohs recycled wastes 4,000 years ago. The masks of some mummies were discovered which were made up of papyruses originally used for private and official correspondence. Some of these papyruses can be displayed nowadays, providing an important insight into everyday life in ancient Egypt. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
A German program unveiled that Pharaohs recycled wastes 4,000 years ago. The masks of some mummies were discovered which were made up of papyruses originally used for private and official correspondence. The scientists in the show illustrated how such recycling process had taken place and they also shed light on the content of one of these letters. Thanks to this ancient process – and the efforts made by these scientists – these letters can now be displayed and provide an insight into everyday life in ancient Egypt. This program proved the excellence of the pharaohs and this should be a source of pride for today’s Egyptians.

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