In this article, Dr. Nader Riad hosted the German-Arab Economic Forum which was held from the 15-17th of June 2005. In his opening speech, Dr. Riad thanks the attendees for participating and has interest in the German-Arab economic relations in the form of trade and investments.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)

In this article, Dr. Nader Riad hosted the German-Arab Economic Forum which was held from the 15-17th of June 2005. In his opening speech, Dr. Riad thanks the attendees for participating and has interest in the German-Arab economic relations in the form of trade and investments. It was also noted the importance to acknowledge the potential for growth between Egypt, Germany and the rest of the Arab world. At the end of this forum, several agreements had been signed to increase business relationships between both countries. Continue to read this article to find out more details.

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