Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2006/MAY /18
Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2009/JUNE /11
Animals, fish and insects constantly provide evidence that these creatures strive to protect future generations. Humans care for former generations with the current generation. This is not only moral but provides the ability for the current generation to avail of their wisdom and experience. The pension financer of the former generation is the current one. (Available in Arabic in Arabic – German in PDF )
The kingdoms of animals, fish and insects provide evidence that these creatures frequently strive to protect future generations. Humans impose the duty of caring for former generations with the current generation correlating with upcoming generations. This is referred to as integrated contact of generations where differences and variances appear between generations. Responsibility of parents is not only moral but it provides the ability for the current generation to avail of their experience and wisdom. The pension financer of the former generation is the current generation. This is not simply doing a favor from one generation to the next but is the continuous contact of generations in knowledge and in rights and obligations. Human survival depends greatly on quality contact amongst generations.