Al-Gomhoria Newspaper 2006/DECEMBER /26
Al-Ahram Al-Massaee Newspaper 2006/DECEMBER /25
Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2006/DECEMBER /24

A fire extinguisher trader in Beheira was caught filling fire extinguishing cylinders with fraudulent materials that would assist in the ignition of its contents in the case of a fire instead of putting out the fire. The trader falsified the quality stamp of the Egyptian General Authority for Quality and Specifications in a deliberate violation to the rule of law. The trader would add the names of international brands that are registered in manufacturing fire extinguishers, in addition to using cylinders made of hazardous materials that do not meet the standards and specifications. Not abiding by these rules makes the cylinders liable to explosion when used because of the poor quality of the raw materials used in fabrication.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
A fire extinguisher trader in Beheira was caught filling fire extinguishing cylinders with fraudulent materials that would assist in the ignition of its contents in the case of a fire instead of putting out the fire. The trader falsified the quality stamp of the Egyptian General Authority for Quality and Specifications in a deliberate violation to the rule of law. The trader would add the names of international brands that are registered in manufacturing fire extinguishers, in addition to using cylinders made of hazardous materials that do not meet the standards and specifications. Not abiding by these rules makes the cylinders liable to explosion when used because of the poor quality of the raw materials used in fabrication. The Beheira Supplies Inspection Authorities were able to discover this factory owned by Ashraf Mohamed Abbas el-Mallah and confiscate the counterfeit fire extinguishers, as well as others being processed in addition to huge quantities of production materials and fraud spare parts. It was discovered that the trader has been distributing counterfeit products on a large scale in all regions and governorates.

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