Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2005/NOVEMBER /07

The Suggestions and Complaints Committee at the City Council in Dakahlia called for the necessity of providing homes with fire extinguishers as a first step to facing potential fires. This need holds special attended to homes that are supplied with natural gas, on the condition that it would eventually be provided to all cities of the governorate.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The Suggestions and Complaints Committee at the City Council in Dakahlia called for the necessity of providing homes with fire extinguishers as a first step to facing potential fires. This need holds special attended to homes that are supplied with natural gas, on the condition that it would eventually be provided to all cities of the governorate. This was reported during a committee meeting held by Major General Essam Shabana and was attended by officials in charge of the natural gas supply and fire safety at the Governorates Security Department.

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