President Hosni Mubarak opened the Eighth General Conference of the National Democratic Party, which was held from 15-17/9/2002 to discuss and approve a strategic development of the party’s march through the next stage. President Hosni Mubarak, gave a speech to the conference outlining the parameters of the new philosophy of the party in the coming period to achieve the development process so as to enable the party to keep abreast of global developments, as well as the changing needs of the development process in the country. ( Available in Arabic )

During the biggest party event in Egypt since the return of political parties, some six thousand leaders of the majority party debated on the issues of work and maintenance of national policies and future directions. They participated for first time in the discussion of party rules and the adoption of these policies in Egypt to begin a new stage for the democratic party actions. President Hosni Mubarak and his spouse toured the exhibition halls of national products primarily on the sidelines of the conference which include the production of 30 private sector companies … The President saw models of the production of the companies participating in the exhibition such as collection of spare parts for automobiles, construction materials, , food and health, electrical appliances and communications equipment and fire extinguishers. President Mubarak visited the Bavaria wing of the company and was welcomed by Dr. Nader Riad, Chairman of the Board, The President’s attention was directed to the export issue directives where the need to double the size of exports this year and assure the quality of its sovereignty over the production and packaging of the products of the outstanding level of Bavaria.

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