This paper aims to produce integrated policies to deal with current and future challenges facing the future of the region, which will affect the interests of the Egyptian national security, amid major shifts driving the whole region towards more instability and turmoil. ( Available in Arabic )
Paper emphasized that the starting point for the formulation of a vision for the future of the Middle East is to identify the foundations of the Egyptian national security in light of rapid regional changes and to achieve the well-being of the Egyptian people, which is not separated from a vital interest in strengthening regional stability and the consequent raising of a vital interest in distinct complementary investment relations , which Egypt has succeeded in drafting in the fields of both the political, economic and security with the major world powers, and if the interests of the Egyptian national security is based on the close interrelationship between domestic development and stability at the regional level, these interests must be expanded to target the management of the balance of regional security in order to preserve stability in the region.