Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2013/OCTOBER /07
Financial experts showed that the budget deficit, recession of returns and production rates, inflation and unemployment are the main causes which led to Egypt’s decline in the list of countries in the World Competitiveness Report. Dr. Nader Riad assured on a number of important axes to elevate the competitiveness capacity of Industry, including completing the system of Egyptian Standards Specifications, putting fair rules for import and addressing the problem of low quality imported goods.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
From his side, Munir Fakhry Abdel Nour, Ministry of Industry and Trade stated that the government shall exert its greatest efforts to protect the Egyptian products against illegal practices which harm the competition rules defined by International Commerce System. Dr. Eng. Nader Riad assured the need to work on a number of important axes which are applicable, so that the Egyptian economy can pass the current crisis, including: Elevating the Egyptian Standardized System , completing the system and applying its strictly – addressing the problem of low quality goods and goods that are incompliant to the Standardized Specifications by imposing the ESS through General Egyptian Organization for Export and Import Control – meeting the governmental needs with the local and domestic production, when available in good quality of the national production – expanding in the program of industry modernization, especially the Egyptian industry support by providing the necessary provisions thereof, beside a method to facilitate returning of previously paid fees when import ting the raw materials and productions materials in drawback system

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