Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2008/FEBRUARY /12
It is imperative to prioritize the future of energy in Egypt given the country’s current multiple changes, its recourse to renewable energy, its growing concerns about nuclear power as well as the lack of energy supplies in the Arab world. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
There is a growing need to prioritise the future of energy in Egypt, looking at ways to manage waste energy and industrial resources, and how to benefit from the Kyoto Protocol, backing Egyptian Industry. Another important issue highlighted is the effect of the unprecedented rise in oil prices on the use of alternative means of energy, and that there is a lack of energy supplies in Egypt and Arab countries particularly after the escalation of the oil prices. Egypt is passing through a period of political, ecnomic and intellectual changes, recourses to clean energy, including solar energy, that of light or wind and nuclear energy. There are growing concerns about nuclear energy and disposal of nuclear waste, and ultimately the consequences of such actions as it is feared that Egypt may become a wastebasket for nuclear debris from other states.