Monday, February 10, 2014

Board of Directors of Federation of Egyptian Industries issued a resolution to appoint Dr. Eng. Nader Riad as head of Committee of Production Development and Domestic Industry Deeping in the Federation of Egyptian Industries. The committee work focuses on deepening the Egyptian local products, the study of ways and tools of developing local industries and increasing their competitiveness. The committee includes representatives of board of directors of commerce chambers in the Federation and members of the industrial community. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The committee work is focusing on the national orientation in order to develop the local production to face the imported goods and dumping products. It is related to a number of pivots, the most important of them are: industry integration by developing manufacture policy at other parties instead of importing components that can be locally produced. Increasing cooperation between pioneer industries which belong to factories of The Arab Organization for Industrialization, the factories of National organization for Military Production, Public sector developed factories and the industries which belong to the private sector in order to benefit from the idle capacities and using them for the interest of different industrial sectors, and encouraging the role of the feeding industries to large industries.

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