Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2010/JANUARY /18
Al-Watany Al-Yum Newspaper 2010/MARCH /23

Man is the uncontested master of the Earth and can apparently rely on himself. Yet, every single human being relies on the others more than on themselves throughout their life. In some cases, you simply cannot do without someone else’s help or contribution to solve a problem or carry out a task, and you would not be able to get your status in the society without the others. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )

Man is the uncontested master of the Earth and can apparently rely on himself. Yet, every single human being relies on the others more than on themselves throughout their life. As a child, you shape your own future behavior by observing and imitating the people you come across with. The others teach you the profession you end up practicing, give you the titles and certificates required by the society, and assess your capacities, something you cannot do on your own. Some problems of yours can be solved only if you leave them entirely to someone else. Likewise, you can learn from others‘ experiences to improve yourself, or can complete what others have started, thus contributing to the overall development of humanity.

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