Mamoud Al-Araby submitted a working paper titled “Developed Countries Experiments in Protecting Consumer and How to Make Use of It”. The paper addresses some of the experiments conducted by developed countries in the field of consumer protection. The countries involved in the experiments were as follows: America, Japan, Denmark, Australia, Sweden and France.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)

The working paper presented some important recommendations in the field of protecting consumers such as: Establishing societies for consumers, persuading officials in companies of the importance of marketing and its modern concepts, social and ethical responsibilities through holding conferences and training programs organized by universities, organizations and concerned authorities, management appointed for consumer affairs from different sectors, consumer complaints being addressed from all fields, study conducted of the needs and styles of the consumer before making decisions, newspaper and media concerned with consumer interests, complaints and special related issues, forming an organized campaign for persuading consumers to rationalize their consumption and maintain public properties, and the interest of Egyptian consumer conduct, aimed at preparing necessary programs for the sake of groups and for public interest not private.

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