This is a study of the feasibility of free trade between the EU and Ukraine. It was undertaken from September 2004 to January 2005, under contract from the European Commission. Extensive consultations were held in Brussels with he European Commission.
The study was commissioned by the European Commission as a step in the EU – Ukraine Action Plan jointly agreed with the government of Ukraine in December 2004, in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The present study is intended to update an earlier study on this subject undertaken in 1999. The recent study focuses on the Methodological approach, current economic situation in Ukraine, from WTO accession to an FTA+: A continuum possibilities, Actual examples from the EU, Economic impacts of simple or deep free trade scenarios, Concepts of feasibility, How far to go in convergence on EU regulatory rules and standards?, A scenario for deep free trade and the reform of economic government (FTA+), Benchmarks and checkpoints, From sensitive sectors to a rebranded Ukrainian economy, Implications for Ukrainian – Russian trade relations and finally What is feasible? What is necessary?