Al-Ahram Newspaper 2010/AUGUST /11

There have been many talks about decentralization and its importance as a main pivot for the future and in building a modern Egypt. It is defined as a method or style, not a goal and it aims at giving governorates what they need to manage their own affairs.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)

Decentralization aims at giving governorates what they require to manage their own affairs. Communities succeeding in applying decentralization confirmed that it is not just a decision, but requires a main structure for decentralization on the human, material and administrative sides. Decentralization faces basic issues such as: Specific determination of centralization and decentralization fields, a general budget including budget components and in terms of strategies and development, the governorates started having their main affairs represented in their own resources. Under independent managerial decentralization, the governorates can ratify international cooperation agreements with external countries. It was highlighted that the governed point to start the decentralization of management begins with financial independence of every governorate.

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