Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2006/MAY /18
The world of human beings, apart from animal instinct, it is our duty and responsibility that obliges us to care for the previous generation throughout the present one so as to continue with the coming generations. It was agreed to call this the continuation of generations along with its inclusion of differences and disagreements between every generation, the previous and the next one as well. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
As for the present generation’s caring for the previous generation of fathers and mothers, the ethical side is not the key reason for gratitude. But the result should be through providing a good life for this generation, benefiting from the experience and wisdom it has, as well as giving a lesson of respecting and esteeming parents and grandparents to the coming generation. It is not unclear to anyone that this generation is the one that pays the pensions for the previous one. Through the success of this generation economically, socially, culturally, and politically, comes out the automatic success of the problem of providing good life and pensions that are enough and more than enough for fathers‘ and mothers‘ needs. As for our pensions as the present generation, definitely they will be provided by the coming generation of our sons and daughters. Through their success in obtaining a good life for themselves, an income will be brought about automatically to finance our pensions afterwards. Hence, the matter is not a favor made by a generation to the other, but it is a continuation of generation in education, knowledge as well as the rights and duties of caring in the first place; and in the responsibilities and duties in the second place.