Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2003/MAY /24

Further talks on the establishment of the Arab Common Market, due to the increasing demand for the formation of coalitions instead of individual countries. It is a national request and a necessity. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The Arab Common Market has been a topic of discussion for more than 30 years; we still await the course of action. Either we create our own strengths or accept to be the subservient followers. Therefore, it is vital to determine a plan of action for the short term, which will then progress into the medium and long terms, due to the world’s rapid movement towards globalization. Hence, economic blocs that precede political blocs are fundamental. The European experience is a prime example of a successful establishment as they strived to transform the European Common Market in the current European Union. We should use this as a motivational tool to develop the Arab Common Market. We are currently at a race against time and should utilize this advantageous opportunity as the real prospect enabling us to keep pace with rapid progress. Furthermore, the wellbeing of future generations is paramount; therefore the necessity to thoroughly plan and prepare is vital.

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