Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2014/MAY /19

The businessmen indicated that The Egyptian industries are economic locomotive upon which the country depends in managing the economic system, which includes employment, human development and human capital protection. Dr. Nader Riad, Chairman of Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations said it is important for the Egyptian industries to optimize their competitiveness in the local and global markets as soon as possible to resume their promising march which was weakened due to 2011 events and their consequences. (Available in Arabic- German in PDF)
The economists underlined the importance of getting rid of obstacles first then we can achieve development and reform indicating that necessary intervention of the state to provide a good environment of business climate and controlling markets. Dr. Nader Riad said that by taking the country’s interest into consideration and setting priorities so that Egypt can restore its great position and achieve the goals and objectives which in line with the human and material resources which Egypt possesses, and they are a lot, consequently, it is indisputable that the strong economy is one of the most important resources of the modern state. There is no doubt that The Egyptian industries are the driving force of the economy and production upon which the country depends in managing the economic system, which includes employment, development, human development and protecting the human capital in addition to the other strategic goals like supplying products and goods the local market needs while keeping export-oriented and developing it in order to improve balance of trade with countries of the world without neglecting its national role as the most important resources of Public Treasury because of the taxes, customs and fees paid.

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